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I M Marsh College of Physical Education Book

Product ID: BOOK2

£7.50 - each

Availability: In Stock



I M Marsh College of Physical Education – Leading innovation and change in teacher education and training in the world of Physical Education, Sport, Dance, Outdoor Education (Volume 2: Marie Travers Crabbe CBE 1939-1965) Description: This is the story of one of the greatest teacher education and training institutions that has existed in this country. Its remarkable history, impact and influence on students and teachers in schools and their communities and Initial teacher education courses in physical education in England and Wales during 1897 to 1981 is totally unique. This volume focuses on the transition period whereby the Principal, Marie Crabbe, and her staff and students were confronted at the outset of this period with the terrible consequences and reality of the Second World War on their doorstep. It is also a remarkable story about how they coped with the after effect and impact of significant change and potential for teacher education and training in post war Britain. Limited stock available. Paperback 277 pages Authors: Professor Patricia A. Shenton OBE and Professor Sheila Wigmore FRSA